
“Al Gobernador Manzur le estamos pidiendo un Tucumán distinto y no nos da bola”

El Legislador Javier Morof, visito los estudios de Café Prensa para referirse a la interna peronista y la votación del defensor del pueblo.

Sobre la interna peronista se refirió que “»La gente no entiende nada. Yo tengo clara mis convicciones. Más que Juan Manzur u Osvaldo Jaldo. Es la diferencia entre quien quiere un Tucumán mejor y quien es un obsecuente. El que esta con el Vicegobernador son los que quieren un Tucumán mejor». Dijo

“Nos eligieron para ser legisladores. Vamos a seguir acompañando a Juan Manzur, no pueden acusarnos de desleales a quienes están con el pueblo. Todos los legisladores quieren un Tucumán mejor y un peronismo unido.

Nadie discute que está al frente del partido y el gobierno. Le estamos pidiendo que haga mejor las cosas. ¿Puedo aceptar que se gaste 9 millones en un avión cuando faltan patrulleros? Yo no quiero eso porque la gente está harta de la política. Pero de estas peleas muestra quien está al lado del pueblo y quién no.

Manzur está mal asesorado por los que tiene a la vuelta. No es el mismo entorno que tenía antes. Con esta pelea piensan que sacan provecho, pero no es así” agregó.

“Pero venimos pidiendo un Tucumán distinto y no nos da bola. Queremos representar a la gente y la gente pide cambiar cosas” finalizó.


  1. Hey cafeprensa.info admin,

    If you want to profit big online even if you don’t have an email list,

    You need a top-notch profit message sender that delivers your mails directly to your customers inbox.

    But this is a problem when you use other autoresponders like Aweber and the rest that don’t care if you make a profit.

    That’s why you need this New Email, SMS and Voice Campaign Software called Zendly!

    >> Click here to get Instant Access. (20 fastest fingers)


    It also goes as far as sending unlimited SMS, Voice and WhatsApp Messages from a single dashboard with 99.9% deliverability!

    Without paying a penny monthly, you get full control of your business!

    This is a guaranteed profit-making autoresponder software platform you can get with a chickenfeed.

    All you need to do is,

    Step 1: Login to Zendly Cloud-Based App

    Step 2: Use Zendly to uncover red-hot leads in any niche Or import your own.

    Step 3: Press one button and reach billions of contacts via (email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Voice)

    Step 4: Start Profiting Fast…

    >>Click here to see Zendly in action. (20 fastest fingers)


    Here is a little of what Zendly can do for you;

    Import Unlimited Leads With Just One Click
    Uncover Red-Hot Leads In Any Niche
    Generate High-Converting Messages With AI
    Send Unlimited Emails To Your Leads
    Broadcast Unlimited WhatsApp Messages
    Unlimited Bulk SMS With Just A Click
    Use Our Own High-Inbox SMTP
    Instantly Accept Payments Through Messaged
    And lot more

    This is by far the Best Autoresponder I have ever seen!

    But, here is the catch,

    This offer is rare to find and I’m only giving 20 fastest fingers access to use my newly developed autoresponder that beat all other autoresponders out there.

    >>Click here to get Lifetime access to Zendly. (20 fastest fingers)


    And forget about losing your money and sales while using other autoresponders.

    See you Inside
    Good day!

  2. Hey cafeprensa.info admin,

    A viral “cash breeding” $900-daily MONSTER
    has just been unleashed online…

    …and it’s coming for YOU.

    Do u remember the guy I was telling you about
    yesterday — the dude making MILLIONS online
    with ingenious VIRAL income apps after his life
    was turned upside down by a “surprise divorce”?

    Well *THIS* is he and his team’s latest viral
    income weapon – and it’s flat out BRILLIANT:


    In a nutshell, it’s an all-new 5-TIER *viral* app
    PROVEN to “auto transfer” up to $900+ DAILY
    into your Paypal account…

    …with over $1 MILLION dollars in verifiable
    income proof to back it up.

    It’s an income opportunity like no other – with
    a whopping TEN $100K+ products packed into
    a SINGLE viral link…

    …that transfers HIS income into YOUR account,
    and does so on AUTOPILOT across multiple tiers.

    You cannot ignore this even if you want to. People
    are pouring in, and soon there will be viral “cash
    breeders” EVERYWHERE.

    The only “cure” is to become one of them…
    Moooohawhawhaw! 😉

    Get in fast. Do it now. Click here for instant access


    ..and I’ll see you inside your “Monster’s Lair” (back
    office) shortly!

    -Good day!

  3. Hey online entrepreneur,

    What if you can generate 1000s
    of leads everyday & PAMPER them
    to sales without actually talking
    to them…??

    Simultaneously talk to 1000s
    of them, understand their queries,
    make them feel special & most
    importantly close sales 24×7
    without actually being present?


    This brand new app combined
    the 2 MOST POWERFUL platforms
    on the internet today – ChatGPT4
    & Whatsapp and created a «monster»

    Introducing KleverSendAI – an AI
    powered, automated WhatsApp
    Autoresponder and Bot that does
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    a human do.

    Collect leads, follow up, answer
    queries and close sales on autopilot
    – with minimum effort & no risk.


    -no more wasting time or money
    -no need to hire a team
    -no expensive autoresponders
    -no more struggling to get sales
    -get results 24×7, even when you sleep!

    Hurry! This amazing app is available
    for a limited period of time – and it’s
    a one-time offer.

    After the launch, it will be turning
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    ==> Get your copy of KleverSendAI and
    start getting results NOW!


    Have a great day.
    Take care.

  4. Hey online entrepreneur,

    What if you can generate 1000s
    of leads everyday & PAMPER them
    to sales without actually talking
    to them…??

    Simultaneously talk to 1000s
    of them, understand their queries,
    make them feel special & most
    importantly close sales 24×7
    without actually being present?


    This brand new app combined
    the 2 MOST POWERFUL platforms
    on the internet today – ChatGPT4
    & Whatsapp and created a «monster»

    Introducing KleverSendAI – an AI
    powered, automated WhatsApp
    Autoresponder and Bot that does
    everything for you – just like
    a human do.

    Collect leads, follow up, answer
    queries and close sales on autopilot
    – with minimum effort & no risk.


    -no more wasting time or money
    -no need to hire a team
    -no expensive autoresponders
    -no more struggling to get sales
    -get results 24×7, even when you sleep!

    Hurry! This amazing app is available
    for a limited period of time – and it’s
    a one-time offer.

    After the launch, it will be turning
    into monthly subscription model.

    ==> Get your copy of KleverSendAI and
    start getting results NOW!


    Have a great day.
    Take care.

  5. Hey online entrepreneur,

    Let’s be honest…

    Not everybody gets traffic,
    leads or sales from social media.

    This is where our software comes in
    >>> https://chidwa.com/sigma

    Sigma is an A.I. powered app that
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    monetized mini sites in few clicks.

    It then distributes these sites on 100+
    traffic sources bringing you more traffic.

    Now you can use these mini sites to drive
    traffic to your main site or promote
    other offers 24×7 on complete autopilot.

    Watch full demo here:
    >>> https://chidwa.com/sigma

    Best Regards.
    Good day.

  6. Hey online entrepreneur,

    AI is crazy…

    It changed so much in our lives and it’s only the beginning

    Like this new app that leverages WhatsApp HUGE customer base
    of 2,000,000,000 users (yes, that’s 2 billion)…

    To sell anything on our behalf…


    It starts by creating a ChatGPT4-powered marketplace…
    That can sell anything for you…

    Digital, physical, or affiliate product…

    But how actually is it going to sell it?

    By using something called AI Agents…

    Which is basically an AI sales team that will engage and
    interact with millions of potential customers…

    Even while you’re asleep…


    This powerful app is just launched today, and you can grab
    it for a huge discount + insanely big bonus package

    Click Here To Secure Your Copy Of AI Spark At an Early Bird
    Discount + Huge Bonus Package…

    With AI Spark…

    Create a marketplace for affiliate products in minutes
    without any coding or technical skills

    AI chatbots will sell your products to visitors
    automatically, even when you’re not online

    Drive traffic to your marketplace for free with built-in

    Sell any affiliate products you want with ease


    Leverage the world’s biggest chatting platform “WhatsApp” to
    generate hundreds of on-demand customers

    No transaction fees or monthly subscriptions, only pay for
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    Say goodbye to the complicated and expensive processes of
    setting up a profitable online store.

    With AI Spark, you can focus on making money with ease.

    Don’t wait any longer, or you will end up paying monthly for


    Best regards,
    Take care.

  7. Hey online entrepreneur,

    If you want to profit big online even if you don’t have an
    email list,

    You need a top-notch profit message sender that delivers
    your mails directly to your customers inbox.

    But this is a problem when you use other autoresponders like
    Aweber and the rest that don’t care if you make a profit.

    That’s why you need this New Email, SMS and Voice Campaign
    Software called Zendly!

    >> Click here to get Instant Access. (20 fastest fingers)


    It also goes as far as sending unlimited SMS, Voice and
    WhatsApp Messages from a single dashboard with 99.9%

    Without paying a penny monthly, you get full control of your

    This is a guaranteed profit-making autoresponder software
    platform you can get with a chickenfeed.

    All you need to do is,

    Step 1: Login to Zendly Cloud-Based App

    Step 2: Use Zendly to uncover red-hot leads in any niche Or
    import your own.

    Step 3: Press one button and reach billions of contacts via
    (email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Voice)

    Step 4: Start Profiting Fast…

    >>Click here to see Zendly in action. (20 fastest fingers)


    Here is a little of what Zendly can do for you;

    Import Unlimited Leads With Just One Click
    Uncover Red-Hot Leads In Any Niche
    Generate High-Converting Messages With AI
    Send Unlimited Emails To Your Leads
    Broadcast Unlimited WhatsApp Messages
    Unlimited Bulk SMS With Just A Click
    Use Our Own High-Inbox SMTP
    Instantly Accept Payments Through Messaged
    And lot more

    This is by far the Best Autoresponder I have ever seen!

    But, here is the catch,

    This offer is rare to find and I’m only giving 20 fastest
    fingers access to use my newly developed autoresponder that
    beat all other autoresponders out there.

    >>Click here to get Lifetime access to Zendly. (20 fastest


    And forget about losing your money and sales while using
    other autoresponders.

    See you Inside
    Good day!

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