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“El PJ quiere una ciudad de 1900, nosotros queremos una ciudad moderna”

El concejal de San Miguel de Tucumán, Agustín Romano Norri (UCR-Juntos por el Cambio) señaló que el oficialismo provincial tiene una intencionalidad política de frenar los proyectos que lleva adelante el municipio capitalino.
“Estamos viendo cómo el PJ quiere empantanar la gestión de Germán Alfaro, con chicanas absurdas, porque no tienen ningún logro para mostrar”, señaló el edil mediante un comunicado de prensa.
“El oficialismo tiene una intencionalidad política de ensuciar la gestión municipal. Con estas maniobras demuestran que quieren vivir en el atraso, quieren un Tucumán de 1900 mientras que nosotros queremos apuntar a una ciudad moderna, digna del siglo XXI”, comparó Romano Norri.
“Si la Justicia llega a frenar el proyecto del Mercado del Norte hablaría muy mal de la seguridad jurídica provincial, municipal y nadie va a invertir un peso en nuestra provincia”, advirtió.
“Si la Justicia llega a frenar el proyecto del Mercado del Norte hablaría muy mal de la seguridad jurídica provincial, municipal y nadie va a invertir un peso en nuestra provincia”, advirtió.
Romano Norri, que ya se lanzó en la carrera para suceder a Alfaro, contó que para la obra del Mercado del Norte se hizo una licitación pública para la concesión debido a que la inversión para llevar adelante el proyecto equivale al 10 por ciento del presupuesto municipal.
El concejal capitalino dijo que el procedimiento de licitación se hizo conforme a los artículos 75 y 78 de la ordenanza de Contabilidad 570/80. “Para la licitación pública para adjudicar la concesión de la recuperación, la revalorización, administración, mantenimiento y explotación del edificio del Mercado del Norte no hacía falta una nueva autorización del Concejo Deliberante”, concluyó.
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All’intervallo Austria-Italia 2-0— Azzurri poco concreti e per nulla concentrati, l’Austria ne approfitta e va a segno prima con Schlager poi con Alaba, ma sono state tante le occasioni per i padroni di casa. L’unico nostro acuto arriva al 42′ con Politano Dal 2013 al 2016 una nazionale femminile italiana aveva giocato una ventina di partite non ufficiali vincendo anche due tornei europei. Dopo due anni di stop, nel 2019 il nuovo Consiglio federale, ha rilanciato l’attività femminile promuovendo a fine stagione un primo torneo. Nel 2020, nonostante il Covid, è rinato il campionato femminile vinto dalla Roma Cricket Club e ora l’estate del 2021 celebrerà la rinascita della nazionale femminile e l’esordio ufficiale. 6′ – GOL DELL’AUSTRIA: VERRATTI PERDE PALLA A CENTROCAMPO, ARNAUTOVIC LA PASSA A SCHLAGER CHE, SOLO DAVANTI A DONNARUMMA, LA METTE DENTRO.
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It is necessary to explain where one’s sources come from. Referencing serves as signs pointing to any kind of information you use. When it comes to citing – it is a means to show the readers that some information from your paperwork comes not from you. Note: Do not set off the title of the article with quotes, italics, underlines, or capital letters (except for the first word, proper names or after a colon). Italicize the title of the journal and capitalize all words in the title of the journal. This sample includes the volume number (23) which is italicized to set it off from the other numbers. The issue number (65) appears in parentheses and is not italicized. You will also notice that there is no space left between the volume number and the first parenthesis for the issue number.
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The latest Aston Villa news, transfer rumours, team news, fixtures and more from Villa Park. Breaking AVFC rumours & news now, 24/7. Me, I’d like to see Crystal Palace win tonight, just to make the last day of the season more interesting, but that’s just me. One user on Twitter wrote: “new boy bombshell apparently knows gemma. IMAGINE HOW TIRED WE ARE” while another added: “The streets are saying the new boy coming into the villa is someone that Gemma knows…#LoveIsland” alongside a cat gif with the text “WHY?!” ‘Love Island’ continues tonight at 9 pm on Virgin Media One and Virgin Media Player. And while the villa will likely be left shaken by the vote off, they won’t have long to think about it as two new housemates wheel their suitcases in.
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The 3-reel video slots (also known as classic slots) are the simplest free slot games of all. Most people associate 3-reel slots with classic fruit machines found in early Vegas casinos, and while some of these titles are digital copies of those classic games, there are plenty of brand new 3-reel titles that you can find in free online casinos. Players can find almost all slots for free. Although it can be a little difficult to look for the free version of a particular slot, almost all slots have a free version sitting somewhere in the virtual world. One particular advantage video slots hold over regular slots is the additional features they come with. Below are some of the popular features of online video slots: Just like in the 3-reel slot games, the video slot reels feature a variety of symbols, but unlike 3-reel slots, there is more than one payline. Some video slots offer up to 100 paylines on which you can bet. Video slots also operate with an RNG.
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Ships 1-2 Business Days I’m invested, but I’m not putting all my chips in. I’m expecting something around 9-7, and perhaps some fireworks down the stretch run. In poker terms, I think we’ll end up where we started, with our pair of 10s not getting enough help from the community cards to make a play for the pot. Long-term, I’m putting some trust in the Garrett Way of taking it one day at a time, hoping that they’ll string together enough excellent days to have a really big stack of chips to play with next year. We’re playing smart poker now, and hopefully smart football as well. Jimmy, we received our dining poker table and were amazed at the quality, the detail and the excellent craftsmanship. It was certainly beyond our expectations. And, the assembly was easy with two persons. Everyone that sees our dining table is shocked to see the dining surface removed to display the beauty of the Texas Holdem layout underneath. You did a magnificent job building our table as we had discussed. We absolutely love it and so do our friends. We highly recommend you to build the perfect combination table. Thank you so very much.
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Legal sports betting has arrived in the US in a big way as online sportsbooks are available in more than half the states in the country. There are well over 20 platforms now available in the United States. This page will break down and review the top 10 best sports betting websites in 2023. Use our comprehensive guide to find the best site for your sports wagering needs. There are dozens of amazing sports to bet on today. However, certain picks are a dime a dozen to regular punters in Europe. These sports have gained wide popularity across the continent and they gather the most wagers from bettors. Let’s take a look at the most popular picks for betting on sports Europe. Georgia online sports betting is expected to include game bets in a number of sports taking place in domestic leagues and international leagues alike. So far, this is a list of available sports to wager on in states where legal sports betting has been launched:
Though bettors are cheerful about the Raiders’ 2022-23 campaign, McDaniels has his work cut out for him if he hopes to take the team back to the Super Bowl for the first time in 20 years. Derek Carr, the team’s veteran quarterback who has been under center for the Silver and Black since 2014, says it’s a new year with a new roster — and that means anything is possible. Fulghum: Perhaps it was the Bobby Wagner effect, but the Rams finally played a competitive game against the Seahawks on Sunday. Now that the Rams have punted on this season, it seems like they’re playing loose and free with players they need to determine are a part of the solution for next year or not. The Raiders, to me, are not a team that I want to lay 6 points with on the road. Before beating the Chargers last week in Vegas, the Raiders won back-to-back OT games on the road. Traveling on short rest for a Thursday night game is not a great situational spot given that context. Rams +6.
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The Scholastic editor, Arthur Levine, suggested changing the title from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” to “Harry Potter and the School of Magic” so as not to confuse American readers. «The range includes cosmetics, nail and skincare products, along with bath and body accessories, everything you need for a Hogwarts-inspired look,» the brand shared. «Available online now for US fans and in Ulta stores from July 26th.» Few fans have also urged Harry Potter fans not to buy products from the makeup line out of respect for the transgender community. The Harry Potter x Ulta Beauty collection’s Jelly Blush set is inspired by the adorably colourful magical creatures, Pygmy Puffs! Well, you wouldn’t want a beauty-set looking like a Blast-Ended Skrewt, would you? The line includes eyeshadow palettes with shades inspired by each Hogwarts House colors, as well as makeup brushes (or, wands), cosmetic bags, lip crayons, lip gloss, lip balm and hair accessories. It’s a fun way to show your House pride while just using really good makeup. And if you take a look at Ulta’s Instagram account, you’ll notice there are even more products coming from the line, including press-on nails (!) and bath items.
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Hi.. I just want to know what the intermediates are in this process.. Are all 3, ie, imine, imminium ion and alpha amino nitrile the intermediates or just any two of them? This modules explores the variety of chemical reactions by grouping them into general types. We look at synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, REDOX (including combustion), and acid-base reactions, with examples of each. Proteins have a crucial role in various biological activities. Get to know how proteins are able to perform as enzymes, cofactors, or regulators. In this tutorial, you will also know the common metabolic pathways of biomolecules, such as glucose and other carbohydrates, fats, proteins and amino acids, and essential nutrients…Read More
27. Research comprises “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.” – Unknown If you’re interested in both natural and social sciences, we suggest finding a field of study that combines the two. At University of the People (UoPeople), we offer a Health Science degree where you can study natural sciences, like biology and human anatomy, and social sciences, like sociology. The best part? This bachelor’s degree is entirely tuition-free and can be done entirely online. Trace gases make up only one percent of the atmosphere. Most of the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen (78 percent by volume) and oxygen (21 percent by volume).
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Evolution is the software provider that developed the game for online casinos. The profit in Crazy Time can be as much as 10,000 times, 20,000 times or even 100,000! Crazy Time’s gameplay is easy to understand: all players have to do is wager on one of four games featured in the show: Cash Hunt, Pachinko, Coin Flip and Crazy Time. These games are played over three rounds, each of which has its own multiplier. Players will first need to choose the amount they wish to bet and then select an outcome for the round they are playing: a multiplier and or prize. Crazy Time is the undisputed leader among slots in the category of live games, developed by the famous company Evolution Gaming. For those who follow gambling, it’s no secret that this provider is one of the best in live game creation. You may have already heard about this slot, but we have something new and exciting for you. We understand that Crazy Time can be pretty challenging, so we’re here to help. With our extensive experience in gambling, we’ve come across both successes and failures while playing this incredible slot. We’re excited to share all the subtleties and secrets we’ve learned.
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The Casino does not have to adhere to state regulations because it is located on tribal land. That is, as long as there is approval from the tribal council. This will see the latter, which places a focus on streamlining casino player data into real-time insights for casino operators, integrates its software solutions with the venue. Palace Hospitality, an enterprise offering consulting, development, and management services to Tribal Nations has partnered with the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria for the construction of a new casino to be located in Chico, California. Save an extra 10% or more on select hotels with Member Discounts Be the first to add a video for Tachi Palace Hotel & Casino! The new casino will be located on 91 acres near Highways 99 and 149 on the south bank of Clear Creek. Approved for a Class III gaming license, the casino will offer slot machines – approximately 300 to start. It also will include a food court, bar, and player’s club. The casino will be open to those 21 years and older.
PlayOJO just about perfected every element of what it is to be an online casino site in the UK. Another area is gamification, meaning the missions, tasks, levels, and trophies offered by the casino. These are things that attract the players by rewarding their loyalty, so we predict that nearly all the new online casinos in the UK will have these features over the next few years. New casinos often partner with the latest software providers in the industry in order to provide the latest games to players. Whether you’re into the latest slots, table games, or live dealer games, you’re likely to find something new and exciting to try at a newly launched online casino. Of the different contact methods, live chat is probably the most convenient one. Opt for live chat and you’ll use a text-based messaging service to communicate with a customer support team member. Phoning the team is also an option preferred by many, though this may cost extra. At many casinos, the phone line can be called for free. Some of the best casinos with excellent customer service are Netbet Casino, Rizk and Trada Casino. Example of a casino that we cannot recommend because of their customer service is Monopoly Casino.
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Some analysts making Pi coin predictions aren’t necessarily worried about the Pi Network value – they are more concerned about whether this project is a scam. Despite some users suggesting that a single Pi could be worth anywhere between $10 and $100 right now, there’s no evidence to back this up, and the team behind the Pi Network hasn’t released much detailed information on the project’s specifics. “Currently, Pi Network recommends to all Pioneers and potential PI users not to engage with any of these exchanges or third-party actors as their actions are not affiliated with Pi Network, and could result in substantial loss or damage to Pi users. Pi Network is also requesting these posts and exchange listings removed, and evaluating additional actions with respect to the third parties and exchanges.
On Thursday, rollup provider Eclipse announced that the startup is collaborating with the Polygon team to launch the Polygon Sealevel Virtual Machine (SVM). Eclipse noted that the Polygon SVM will add new use cases and traffic to the Polygon ecosystem. Furthermore, the technology will leverage the security of Polygon and aims to provide a faster and more efficient experience. 0.000007574 ETH0.88% Yet bitcoin remains just an investment without any real ability to be used for contracts in decentralized finance applications. For this reason, many investors believe a flipping of the market is inevitable – dubbed «the flippening» in crypto circles – with the merge acting as a catalyst for Ethereum becoming the dominant platform. Picking a blockchain doesn’t have to be permanent. Try a chain, and if you don’t like it, try something else. Eclipse’s cutting-edge blockchain architecture splits your blockchain into modules that you can «pick and choose» for your needs.
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A significant advantage for the house is built into the game of 3-card poker, as is the case with other casino poker games. The house edge on ante and play stakes is 3.37 %, which is far more extensive than the house edge on games like blackjack. The 2.32 per cent house advantage on pair plus bets is smaller than that on the standard bets, making them a tempting option for players. A Pair Plus bet is on the Players 3 cards only and money is won depending on what this 3 card hand is worth. 3-Card Poker first appeared in the mid 1990s as an online extension of Brag. It’s sometimes played in the US under the name, ‘Tri Poker’. Three Card Poker has been a staple on live casino floors for a long while now, but the best online casinos also consider the game to be an essential building block for their table game menus. You might see it listed as Tri Card Poker or 3 Card Poker, but as Shakespeare himself once said, a rose by any other name smells just as sweet.
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This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. The oldest trick in the book for looking awake when you’re working on three hours of sleep? Add just a pinch of highlighter to the inner corner of your eyes to brighten up an otherwise dark areas. If you’ve recently strolled down the drugstore beauty aisle, shopped for makeup online, or scrolled through Instagram, chances are you’ve been inundated with highlighters. That’s because highlighting (an age-old pro makeup artist technique) has become an everyday staple for the average person—and for good reason. Highlighting adds a natural-looking dimension to a full face of foundation (more on that below) by making your cheeks pop, but it can serve as a look all on its own.
I hate to say it but u will need to throw the sponge away, it has mold n can not be removed . Next time when u wash ur future beauty blender make sure u leave it out in a well ventilated area to fully dry . Eco Tools are very long lasting. You need to store them correctly or you risk bending the ends of the brushes. It’s best to store these in a makeup pouch to keep the ends clean because the brushes are two-sided. You may also like: The Only 5 Makeup Brushes You’ll Ever Need Based on the reviews from the Sephora website, the Red Carpet edition is a bit smaller and firmer than the original. Since this is my first BB, I don’t have anything to compare it to but I totally love it. I much prefer it to the foundation brush that I was using before because it’s easier to work with. If your makeup sponge is so filthy you’re not even totally sure what color it was when you originally bought it, it’s time for a good suds session. Getting your makeup sponge to look brand new doesn’t have to be a complicated nor time-consuming process. We found five of the best tutorials to help motivate you to finally clean your damn makeup sponge, ahead.