Romero cuestionó a los radicales que apoyan a Sánchez y aseveró que no parecieran querer ganar la Provincia

El subsecretario municipal de transporte, Enrique Romero, confirmó que el próximo año será candidato a legislador acompañando a Germán Alfaro como candidato a Gobernador. En este sentido, consideró que desde su perspectiva el acuerdo con el diputado radical Roberto Sánchez lo veía raro, ya que “se puede hacer o no se puede hacer”. Sin embargo, apuntó contra el sector del radicalismo que apoya a Sánchez ya que veía “como si solamente les interesará ser legisladores, intendentes, concejales y no llegar a lograr el poder de la provincia para transformar la realidad”. “La unidad no implica uniformidad, implica que todos nuestros intereses estén representados, pero aquí cuando decimos todos nuestros intereses son los intereses que decimos que defendemos lo del pueblo”, continuó.
Respecto a las versiones que señalan al exlegislador radical Ariel García como asesor de campaña de Sánchez, afirmó que no lo veía así ya que consideraba al dirigente como una persona inteligente, ya que “tiene más o menos claro por dónde tienen que venir la fórmula, digamos esto, porque acá se va a cometer un error y otra vez públicamente el error sería ir a una interna más allá que sea abierta o cerrada, para lo cual está preparado Alfaro”.
Además, en cuanto a las internas dentro del espacio aseveró que es un proceso desgastante y comparó con la situación del oficialismo nacional quienes definieron ir en lista única a pesar de lo ocurrido en 2021. “No se van a someter a una interna desgastante como las que se sometieron, donde se dijeron de todo entre los dos y hoy se dan piquito en la boca todos los días”.
Luego se refirió al legislador Ricardo Bussi en el contexto político, donde aseveró que “es lo mismo que ocurre con Bussi en Tucumán, ocurre con Miley en la nación”, siendo financiado para que “debilite a la oposición”. Finalmente, aclaró que incorporar a Bussi en el espacio, implicaría un conflicto dentro del espacio, ya que “cuántos peronistas lo van a votar a Alfaro si es que va a Bussi. Cuántos radicales que están con Alfaro hoy lo van a votar. No te olvides que la Unión Cívica Radical tiene muchos desaparecidos”.
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Data released by JATO reveals that 4.2 million battery-electric vehicles were sold in 2021 and that China continued to lead the way, accounting for approximately half of all global demand. Significant gains were also made in Europe and North America. Four of out every fifth car registered last year was an electric car, according to data released by the Norwegian Road Federation (OFV). Adding up the annual sales beginning from 2010 gets us to approximately 26.2 million cumulative electric vehicles sold, but factoring in an increasing rate of EVs going out of operation each year, we arrive at ~25.19 million EVs in operation. This is an increase of 14X from the roughly 1.8 million at the end of 2020. Electric vehicles continue to rise in popularity and proved particularly popular last year, doubling their market share from 3.1 per cent to 6.2 per cent.
Developed in conjunction with Garrett, the C43’s turbo is the first electric exhaust gas turbocharger ever fitted to a production car. Mercedes-AMG makes much of the fact the turbo is technology directly derived from Formula 1, though in truth it’s the idea of using an electric motor to keep the turbocharger spinning and not the actual hardware that’s F1-inspired. About 70 percent of the parts in the C43’s turbo are the same as those used in a conventional exhaust-gas-driven turbo. Yes, the 2023 Mercedes-AMG C43 has a standard all-wheel-drive system that splits power 31 percent front and 69 percent rear. The first system of its kind, ATTENTION ASSIST® continuously monitors up to 70 parameters of driving behavior, and can automatically alert the driver with both visual and audible warnings if it detects signs of drowsiness on long trips. With enhanced sensitivity, the system can also help detect drivers who begin their trip drowsy, and offer more useful information to drivers along their journey via a dashboard display.
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Note: PokerPro tables are available on select ships only. Now, I would like to say up front that I don’t know anybody at ParadisePoker. I don’t even know the names of the management team there so nothing should be taken personally. I just thought about writing this after having a conversation with some fellow poker players and we all got started on ParadisePoker and we were pondering what the hell happened to them. Paradise Poker excels in game variety, even if the site’s traffic cannot be compared with the likes of the current online poker behemoths. They still do a good job in making a few great games available for you anytime on any stakes and on any possible game you may want to play. Because Paradise Poker has an inherent sports book and casino, you can expect some very fishy play on the site at all times, particularly at lower through medium stakes. The higher stakes can be somewhat of a wasteland, but hey, you can’t have it all. The old adage “quality over quantity” definitely applies in this case. Try Paradise Poker today!
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Legal | About | Contact Rest assured that the gambling sites we recommend have all been fully reviewed by our expert team of players. Therefore, we advise you to read these reviews to find out all about the poker rooms’ features before you join them. Here, we’ll have a look at our top three recommended Gold Coast online poker sites. Boyd Gaming (NYSE: BYD) stock is on a tear this year, soaring 20.92%. But there could be upside to that performance due to strength in regional casinos. The world’s largest online poker room, GGPoker, recently faced a backlash for doubling the rake cap at high-stakes… Help is close at 858 858BET WITH YOUR HEAD, NOT OVER IT. Gambling Helpline 1800 858 858 Australian poker players can look forward to a few upcoming World Poker Tour events and the tour recently announced dates for those stops.
Players can access Replay Poker with no download required, but note that the client isn’t compatible with the Internet Explorer browser. The desktop version stands as the only way to enjoy the platform, as no mobile app for Replay Poker has been released as of yet. This game needs no introduction. Just play it like you would any multi-hand video poker machine, except you don’t need to put in money. You can play 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, or 100 hands at a time. If you want to improve your game, select «Warn on strategy errors.» The advice given is optimal, based on all the possible combinations of cards on the draw. Javascript is required, and a fast computer is recommended. Click here to contact Us Playing video poker online is simple and quick, allowing you to get going straight away. We recommend checking the rules before starting, as many video poker variants can be different.
Because Dunder is a top tier site, it is natural to seek more brands from the same company. Sadly, there are none available to offer that can be called Dunder sister sites. A player from Ireland experienced issues with the withdrawal of her winnings at Dunder Casino. First, the casino had declined her withdrawal requests, then several bank statement verifications followed. Later, the casino claimed to had processed the withdrawal request, but the funds were never credited to player’s bank account. The casino hasn’t reacted to this complaint. Players who are more keen on betting on classics will appreciate the roulette, blackjack and poker variations of the casino. At Dunder, you can enjoy titles such as French Roulette, European Roulette Pro, Multi Wheel Roulette Gold, Blackjack Multi Hand, Super 7 Blackjack, Pirate 21, Cyberstud Poker, Casino Hold’Em and many more table games. There are also great options for video poker fans. You can enjoy your time at Dunder while playing Double Bonus Poker, Double Joker and Tens or Better.
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